"Must-have" Tweaks

Here is the first tweaks really necessary after jailbreak your iPhone.
You have just discovered how to free your iPhone or iPod Touch thanks to jailbreak, you have just installed Cydia, but after ? what to do ?

And for you, what are the necessary Tweaks to be installed for all new jailbroken user ?

Open SSH :
open your SSH connection to explore your entire iPhone.
Appsync :
synchronize your cracked applications from the AppStore.
afc2add :
patch to connect to SSH after a jailbreak with Blackra1n only.
Winterboard :
customize your iPhone or iPod Touch.
SBSettings :
quick enable/disable many fonctions thanks to your status bar.
Mobile Terminal :
UNIX commands.
Volume BoostVolumeMax EMAVolume 3.1.2Volume Boost 3.1.3 :
Increase the volume limit (european norm).
Backgrounder et Kirikae ou Multifl0w :
Multitask manager.
MakeItMine :
Change the name of your network or the display of your hour in the status bar.
Ultrasn0w ou Blacksn0w :Unlock baseband 04.26.08 and 05.11.07
These tweaks are all available on Cydia, you just have to add these 3 following sources :


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