CallClear 3.2 *Crack*

Update : Version 3.2 released ! Process to crack it !

1) Download this zip

2) Install the official one

3) Over SSH, delete this file: /Applications/

4) Put the iCallBR from the zip there, with 0755 permission (RWX-RX-RX)

5) Over SSH, delete this file: /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/CallClear.dylib

6) Put the CallClear.dylib from the zip there, with 0755 permission (RWX-RX-RX)

7) Restart your device and enjoy!

Feel free to pack it as a deb and distribute it wherever you want


Apparently, there's a new file on this version, which goes into the /usr/bin folder, and is the one who actually deletes things.
So, when packing the files above, use the original deb as a reference and DO NOT change any permission on any other file than those ones above on the new deb.
It shall work this way.

Download 3.0-1 : 4shared

    v 3.2
  • Add support 4.x firmware
  • Fix register

CallClear is an application which will permit you to delete your calls one by one in your history instead of deleting them all.

Notes :


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