
Since a while, Apple has updated his iBoot and it implies with the actual tool of Geohot, Blackra1n, a tethered jailbreak
Indeed, the new iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 3G with a serial number like MC... are only able to have a tethered jailbreak.
Then, if your jailbreak is tethered, identify you iBoot number and post it in comments!
  • Jailbreak tethered : You must start Blackra1n with a PC and your iPhone USB connected to reactivate your Springboard each time you will reboot your device.
  • iBoot : iBoot is the bootloader responsible of the processor of applications on the iPhone. iBoot is in charge to allow recovery mode for iPhone.
1st method : Jailbreak (simplest)

In all cases, 
  1. jailbreak your iPhone with Blackra1n,  
  2. reboot your iPhone, and if the cable appearst, you have a the new iBoot and actually no softwares are able to have a jailbreak untethered.

    2nd method : SSH or iFile

    Required :
    iPhone or iPod Touch.
    - Know how to connect to SSH.
    - or iFile directly with your iPhone.
    • By SSH or iFile, go to : /private/var/root/library/lockdown
    • Copy the file data_ark.plist on your desktop
    • Edit the file with Notepad or editeur.plist or with iFile on your iPhone.
    • Find your iBoot version.


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